Teach Me a Thing or "Two"sday

Hey there! Tuesdays are going to be our day to "teach" you guys about something we've been up to. Tracy and I are both teachers, so you will often see stuff about teaching. However, you will also find tips and tricks about other fun things such as, makeup/hair, home decor, skin care, etc!

Today, I'm going to share a quick bit about how I decided to wrap up my first year as a teacher! We finished our state testing last week, so my planning partner and I wanted to make sure and finish out the year fun with some project based learning! I decided to use an idea that I did in my internship (shout out Sonora Scholars) last year, which is do a book study on the book "The Lemonade War" and then have the students actually participate in a lemonade war. We are going to group the students and have them start a "lemonade business". They have to research a lemonade recipe, pick a business name, and create advertisements that will sell their lemonade! Our school is an intermediate school that serves 3-5 graders, so the third and fifth graders will each receive one lemonade buck to spend at the lemonade stand that catches their eye most, based on recipe and advertisement! We are just starting on it this week and the kids are so excited! I'll be sure to keep y'all posted on how it goes!

This is the Novel Companion I purchased from TpT!

Thanks for reading,


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