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For the First Year Teachers

I can’t believe I am a teacher, let alone that I’ve already made it through my first year of teaching! It was an eye opening year for sure! This was me on the first day of the school year. I was scared. I was unprepared. I worried if I would be able to touch the lives of these kids in the way I wanted to. I wondered if I was prepared for successful classroom management and if I could teach the curriculum. I was scared but I was ready to get my career started!                            This is me and my homeroom class on Fun and Field Day, the second to last day of the school year. Boy oh boy, did I learn a lot. On this day, I felt so sad to be passing these kids on to 5th grade. I knew that we had made unbreakable connections and there was growth made in many different aspects. So first year teachers, I’m about to share some of the most important things I learned this year! 1. USE YOUR PLANNING TIME FOR PLAN...

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